Picture of an open dictionary lying on top of an open notebook

German and French to English Translation Services

About Me

Alex Paterson

MA (Hons) CertTrans ACIL

Certified German and French to English Translator

I’m a seasoned and dedicated linguist, and have spent the majority of my life working with and learning languages. Being brought up just outside Edinburgh, Scotland, I was raised bilingually in English and Scots. I then started learning German and French at school, and later continued my language studies at the University of Edinburgh, where I graduated with a first class degree. I have won various awards for my language skills; studied at multiple institutions; and spent time in German and French-speaking countries, and I’m now pleased to be offering IT, political and tourism/aviation translation services.

Picture of Alex Paterson


Translations aren’t just a facsimile from one language to another, substituting one word for another. They effectively decipher the intricacies of the source text, carefully moulding the words to evoke the intended emotions, capturing the subtle humour, and conveying the underlying cultural references. They adapt the tone, ensuring that the essence of the original work resonates authentically with the target audience, maintaining the integrity and impact of the source text while seamlessly embracing the nuances of the new language. And this is exactly what I aim to achieve in every translation I undertake.

I offer translations from Standard German (Hochdeutsch) and French into English (Scottish and UK). I may also consider translations between Lowlands Scots and English. I base my fees on the word count of the source text – this means that we can agree on a set price before I start on your project. I also use modern computer-assisted translation tools, which means I can return your translation to you quicker. So, if you think I can help with your next translation project, contact me for a free quote!



No matter how well you’ve written a text, it can never hurt to have a second pair of eyes take a look! I offer proofreading for texts in English, no matter if they’re translations or original texts. I’ll be happy to make sure that your text is grammatically correct, free of any errors, and that it sounds natural to a native English speaker. For texts already translated from German or French into English, I can also do a bilingual revision, looking at the source text to make sure that the English translation is true to the original.

I charge by the hour for proofreading – this allows me to dedicate the necessary time and attention to review your document, ensuring thoroughness, accuracy, and a polished final result.

While there may be times you rightfully wish to maintain the culture and sentiment of the source language and country, there may also be times you wish to adapt a translation to a specific audience, country and culture. Be it a new website aimed at a Scottish audience or the expansion of your business to the UK market, I can work with you to make sure your mission is properly understood by locals.


Why hire me?

Flexible working hours

I’m often not bound to conventional business hours, so I can more easily work around your schedule. Note, there may be extra charges for express or overnight translations.

Great communication skills

I have experience of working with clients and colleagues from multiple fields on various projects, and know that clear communication is key. I collaborate directly with clients to ensure each translation meets their expectations.


By using modern technology, working from home and having low overheads, I’m able to provide a great translation that won’t break the bank! Contact me for a free, no-obligation quote today.

Most file formats accepted

In addition to being familiar with modern translation tools, I’m experienced with, and have a valid license for, Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Cloud applications. If you’re using a different file type, get in touch and I’ll see if I can help!

Up-to-date knowledge

I keep myself current and up-to-date with both German and French-speaking markets, ensuring I properly understand and translate the context of your text.

Security and discretion

I appreciate the need for confidentiality – my work computer is encrypted with AES-128; I have an active police background check in Scotland; and I’m open to any other security requirements, such as non-disclosure agreements.

Get in touch for a free quote

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